FWMS Curriculum Corner
We frequently hear from parents “my child tells me very little about his/her day”. In an effort to support parents in school conversations, we have a monthly Curriculum Corner link in the PTSA Blast, FWMS Facebook and Twitter (@FFLDwoodsms) accounts with school events and updates.
The information provided will give parents/guardians some great insights and sentence starters like “I hear you are talking about being a good reader and writer. What does that mean to you?” The hope is for you to hear more about your child’s day at FWMS. As always, feel free to contact the teacher if you have specific questions or concerns.
We are hopeful that the information on this site will support FWMS parents and students throughout the year.
Please go to the FWMS PARENTS page to view FWMS team welcome letters and other important FWMS information.